Saturday, March 24, 2012

Raw Food Diet - Day 3 - Finally a Home Run

Day three of our Raw Food Diet was a home run.  Of course it was thanks to Sharon.  Had lots of fruit and nuts for breakfast and lunch was just the leftover gazpacho made for the previous night but dinner was pretty awesome.  Sharon worked some magic with great fish we got at Coastal Seafoods (in my view the only place to buy fish in the Twin Cities).

To start she made a tomato salad with avocado, sweet barnea olive oil and salt.  That hit the spot, and it was just the start.  A seaweed roll stuffed with vegetables (shredded zucchini, bean sprouts, avocado and a soy sauce sauce) was heavenly.  The Atlantic salmon sashimi was heartily and very fresh.  Served with soy sauce (to which she expertly added some sugar, garlic and some other goodness) and wasabi.  But the star of the night was the scallop sashimi.  She drizzle them with olive oil, lemon juice and a little but of salt.  Those were sweet and delicious.  Gotta have them again.

For dessert we had some yogurt with raw granola (make from sprouted grains), honey and fresh berries.

I badly needed a meal like this.  It gave us encouragement to continue with this experiment.  Go Sharon!

Sharon's Awesome Sashimi Dinner

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