Here is a great recipe I like to make a few times a year. For me this is more of a Sunday dish, but today I did it on a Saturday since there is a forecast for thunderstorms for Sunday and this is a treat better enjoyed outdoors. The result is very healthy and satisfying.
1-24 oz bottle of Gatorade, Cool Blue
5-1.1 oz pouches of Gu, or any other energy gel
1 pair of Mizuno Wave Nirvana, size 10 (can also use Asics Kayano)
1 pair Coolmax® socks
1 pair shorts
1 technical fiber sleeveless shirt
1 cool breeze, if you can get it, it makes a great difference
1 mp3 player (optional)
1 pair sun glasses
1 running hat
1 long ass road
1 Garmin 405
1 running belt (to hold Gu and keys)
2 band-aids
Body Glide to taste
Time: 3 hours, 22 minutes, largely unattended
Yields: 1 awesome run
The night before, load mp3 player with lots of blues. Make sure to include B. B. King’s “Chains and Things”. Charge Garmin 405 and mp3 player overnight.
If the weather is going to be hot, I sugest starting early. I got up at 4:00 Am and was out the door by 4:35. By the time the sun was peeking on the horizon, I was over 9 miles into my run. While getting dressed, about 15 minutes before taking off, take the first Gu. After that, take the rest one at a time every 45 minutes. Set Garmin 405 Virtual Partner to an easy 9:30 min/mile pace. The “easy” on the recipe name does not refer to the ease of running 21 miles, but to the easy pace that is run at. Apply Body Glide generously and band-aids over your nipples. I can’t stress the importance of these two steps. Double-knot your shoes.
Start your run and keep on pace as much as possible. Basically, take a step with one foot, then with the other and repeat until you reach 21 miles. This is the part that should be largely unattended. Other than the occasional Gu ingestion and sip of Gatorade, you really want your mind somewhere else.
When you reach the end, don’t stop immediately. Walk for a few minutes and reflect on your run. Then stretch for a few minutes (think of it as garnish).

Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 1
Calories: 500 Gu calories + 150 Gatorade calories - 2,643 calories burned = -1,993
As I said,… a healthy dish.
The satisfaction following this run comes not only for the well documented endorphins released, but of having burned over 2,500 calories before most people are even up. In my case, most of these calories will make their way back later today at Carifest, the Caribbean Festival that takes place annually on the weekend of the Fourth of July along the banks of the Mississippi River on West River Parkway between Broadway & Plymouth, in Minneapolis. A great event that runs all weekend with live performances and great food. My favorite is the spicy Caribbean grilled chicken served with rice and beans. This is after all a blog about running and food.

Turns out Carifest is not on the weekend of the Fourth of July, but the fourth weekend in July. Of course, we didn't find out until after walking 2.5 miles in blistering heat and high humidity while pushing my friend's Patty Mayonnaise on her wheelchair. Well, at least we didn't miss it. We can attempt another trip there on the 24th. By the time we got there, we were so hungry that we ended up walking another mile and a half to have Fish and Chips at The Anchor.